Be the Love

I am imperfect. My Love for self overflows.
This is who we Be.

Wear the Love

Team colours.
Our limited edition, ethically made clothing.

Drive the Love

Drive the change. Fly the flag.
Our Vinyl Car Stickers.

Celebrate the Love

The gathering/s.
This is how we Be.

About the Love

Who I be

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Be the Love

This is what we stand for.
This is who we are.
This is how we Be.


  • Sovereignty is to recognise our own individual and unique right to make choices about, decide for ourselves, and act upon the experience of our own life according to our own free will.

    To choose to be sovereign is to take full authority and self-accountability of our own life, expressing independence and responsibility over the governance of our own bodies, actions, emotions, thoughts, beliefs and attitudes towards or about any topic of our life. It is both the intellectual and emotional recognition that we are the Total Creator of our individual reality and we alone have sole responsibility over it.

    We can only advocate sovereignty for another to the extent with which we have claimed our own, first and foremost.

  • Integrity is to remain in alignment with our own sovereign truth - our own moral compass you could say - for how we choose to be and what we decide to do or have in this life. It means expressing our authentic self with assertive conviction and empathetic honesty.

    Integrity is what calls us to stay true to the sort of person that we aspire to be, while comparing ourselves to who we were yesterday and not the idea of who someone else is.

    When we operate from the dignity of our Heart, we take responsibility for and respect what we feel to be true. We decide to choose what is right and not necessarily what is easy, even if others are choosing differently.

    To choose integrity is to remain accountable and to hold others to the same standard whilst not forcing your truth upon another. This can be a fine balance but complete honesty and deep respect for self and others will always be a win-win, as remaining in our personal integrity is always for the highest good of all.

  • Respect is to recognise the truth of every individual’s sovereignty, to honour their right to be as they are and trust that they are remaining in alignment with their own integrity.

    Respect is also to acknowledge and exercise our own sovereignty in any given moment, so that we establish necessary healthy boundaries with ourselves, others and the environment we are in, in order to remain in our own integrity.

    Respecting life in all its forms, progressively more over time, is the call to the heroes journey and the pathway to a more loving quality of life. Becoming an ambassador of the New Earth, carrying respect deep within us for every other life form, even if we have been wronged.

    With kindness and empathy, we can always show respect regardless of how we feel about someone or something. Even if they do not reciprocate the same endeavour, truth and assertive conviction coupled with compassion will create the right environment for light to shine through.

    To choose respect is to treat others and all things the way we wish for ourselves and our things to be treated when operating with highest intention. Most importantly, it means treating ourselves this way. This is how we change things, it all starts with you. Love yourself, respect yourself.

  • Compassion is at the core of this movement. It is a choice to approach all life and all situations with an open-heart and open-mind, treating all Beings with respect for their own sovereign choices and decisions.

    This allows for a deepening of connection through witnessing, listening to or feeling each other, in order to understand them, their perspective as well as their motives - and ultimately ourselves - further. It is from this place of non-judgement that we can truly recognise and validate a Being’s existence.

    We are all seeking to be recognised, validated and accepted. When we remember the inner-standing that all Beings are individuals whilst also a-part-of the collective whole, we can expand our pathways of learning and sharing. From this place of connection, we choose to absorb all experience from a well of eternal compassion.

    We naturally have compassion for each other’s unique experience, especially in times of suffering or misfortune. This deep concern for the well-fare of others, and the urge we feel to help relieve hardship from those around us is deeply ingrained within our human nature.

  • Acceptance is the knowledge and actualisation of the nature of life - that nothing is permanent and everything is ever-changing.

    To truly understand flow, we must allow the compassion and respect for every individual’s sovereign right to make their own choices, decisions and actions.

    When we trust that everyone is acting in integrity to themselves - and therefore the higher good of all - we can trust and come to accept the circumstances and situations present within our world to be exactly as they are.

    It is from this state of acceptance and surrender to what is, that we deepen our awareness and heighten our perspective. In doing so, we will become more at peace with and therefore more able to let go of what is, in order to allow what could be to emerge.

    Acceptance does not mean to always agree or not to take action against injustice. Yet, to choose to accept this β€˜disagreement’ or β€˜injustice’ is an action in itself, and it is from this state of acceptance that allows us to not act impulsively. We can then approach the scenario from a place of calm centred-ness and efficient harmony, which is more effective in creating sustainable change.

  • Participation is to get involved, be proactive, be willing to show up for self & community and encourage the involvement of others. Every one is invited to work and everyone is invited to play. It is in fact, what community is based on.

    Transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation.

    Magick happens when we can rely on each member to participate fully in the service of successful co-operation by incorporating individual skills and artistry, autonomously.

    We all have a purpose and a part to play in this beautiful, co-creative dance called life. This world is made bright and colourful through the actions that create connection and open the heart. It is through this doing, that we achieve being.

    To participate means to truly be of service, contribute joyfully, live fully and to Love infinitely.


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Celebrate the Love


History of our events and future ones.

the revolution is love live music island vibes festival


About the Love

How and Why this came to be.

the revolution is love speech Berlin event

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