Because it feels good.

Discover why The R/evolution is Love exists at all!

This poem I wrote summarises it nicely:

the revolution is love be poem

My Story

In November 2012, I was driving my old funk band, Fat Susan, home from playing a gig in Brisbane. In a split second, a baby wallaby jumped in front of my 80 km/h vehicle. After attempting to dodge the small life form, I lost control and plummeted directly
into a tree.

A month later my memory kicks in. I discovered that I had received a severe brain trauma, had been in a coma for 9 days and had broken my neck. The neural pathways between my brain and all of my muscles were severed. My body forgot literally everything while my mind remembered exactly how easy it all used to be, though everything was a shadow of its former self.
I was reset.

If the ego attaches itself to our talents, our charisma and our life journey progress, I lost all 3 instantly. I experienced an instantaneous ego death. It felt like not only my life as I knew it was gone, but the person I’d spent every day of the last 20 years with (myself) had gone too.

It’s a rather peculiar predicament to be in, I must say. My reasons for living had all but disappeared, except for my family, my friends and my partner at the time.

A state of devestation had become my existence. A state that was further solidified when my “love” at the time told me one day that I was just “damaged goods”..

A miserably dark year of my soul. A feeling of worthlessness like no other.

In that darkness,

I found the light.

Post Craniotomy

Every single one of the ideas I had about myself had vanished and I truly thought I was broken. The blunt force impact of this realisation was one that only hit home after the “damaged goods” label sunk in and I believed it.

Receiving such a blow was a hard thing to come to terms with and still is in many ways. There is a very broken place deep inside of me that I don’t know will ever heal. The self doubt was and still is crippling at times.

It wasn’t until I got my hands on a copy of Eckhart Tolle’s ‘The Power of Now’, did all that pain begin to alchemise. “If I wasn’t those ideas I had about myself after all, who was it that remained? Was there a truth to who I AM underneath all the labels and ideas I previously had about myself?

The realisation that I had lost everything I identified with was absolutely reality shattering, but in the ashes I found a deep Love and respect for the being that had overcome it all.

To be able to Love myself even though I had lost everything that made me me, was truly one of the most liberating experiences I could ever have imagined. To find Love in the deepest, most unrecognisable, most broken places of myself truly did teach me the life changing power of Love. How at the end of the day, when everything else is gone, the only thing that ever really makes sense is Love. I believe this is the road to our collective healing.

This system is one that consistently rams the idea that “we are not enough” down our throats - that if we don’t have this thing, make this much money or have this sort of body we are not worthy. The R/evolution is Love stands for the deep internal truth that you ARE worthy! All of us are. All of us are deserving of Love, no matter our life situation or story. 

Love is the looking glass that finally allows to us to see life illuminated.

To Be Continued..

Lost again.


Forever Seeking.

An undefinable hole we are forever trying to fill.

We grasp at things that do not deserve us

Until I reach inside myself.

I find 

The fountain.

A bottomless well that cannot ever leave because I AM it.

Self flow

Self hydration

Drinking the waters of my own Love to quench a thirst that is as old as I.

The purest water is within.

Look no further.
— jf