The act of Loving ourselves is the most revolutionary thing we can do.

The act of Loving ourselves is the most revolutionary thing we can do.

The most deliciously rebellious thing we can do in this life, is to whole-heartedly and unapologetically Love ourselves.

To drink the juices of life and celebrate every single moment we are alive.

Will we choose our unique state of natural flow or will we drain our life energy by giving too much of it to the deafening chorus of “shoulds”?

We are sovereign beings and we have the power to decide which direction our lives are lived in, to connect with evolution, to develop more Love, harmony and unity in our lives.

From the moment we decide to accept ourselves exactly as we are, we begin to Love ourselves.

When you Love someone, you Love them as a whole, imperfections and all.

Even with all their flaws & blemishes, you Love them for who they are.

From this point of Loving acceptance, if they decided to work on an aspect of themselves, you’re there to support them.

To help process their self doubts and remind them that they are deserving of a better quality of life.

So why not Love yourself in the exact same way? Unconditionally. Whole-heartedly.

Treating yourself like your best friend in the whole world transforms your life in a beautiful way.

You are the only one who can work through your own past traumas (you/we)

before they seep out into the relationships you have with the people around you.

No one else can do that do that for you.

Because if you sweep them under the rug and pretend they don’t exist, be sure that they will come out in ugly ways.

In ways you wish they wouldn’t have.

This doesn’t mean you have to hide yourself away in a room for 6 months and meditate your problems away or anything like that.

It means seeking out the support system you need to allow yourself to move past your emotional hardships and start living again.

It’s necessary to go through the pain and discomfort of healing your traumas to uncover the love deep inside us.

Open yourself to embrace the pain and allow the healing to happen.

Some things might temporarily ease that discomfort, but it never last for long, does it?

Numbing or distracting yourself with over indulging in pleasure, will not help you find what you’re looking for.

The only thing that can permanently fill that void is a deep, unconditional love for oneself.

This can look like:

  • Using the weekend to build the life we actually desire, instead of escaping the life we have.

  • Consciously spending more time with friends that are good for our souls and motivate us to be the best version of ourselves.

  • Recognising unhealthy temptation when it arises, understanding what you actually want in your life and responding accordingly.

  • Spending conscious time doing things that put our souls at ease, while paying no heed to the looming ’To-Do’ list.

  • Rest.

  • Taking a step back to look at our lives, to really target patterns, belief systems & behaviours within us that don’t serve us, remaining open to look at them, feel them deeply and allowing ourselves to pass through them.

  • Being present with ourselves and our feelings, giving ourselves compassion and Love throughout the journey of self reflection, in order to grow.

  • Physically giving ourselves a hug when we are in need of one.

“When we feed and support our own happiness, we are nourishing our ability to love. That’s why to love means to learn the art of nourishing our happiness.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

Sooner or later, it becomes clear that what you have been searching for this whole time has in fact been the love of yourself.

“If you cannot be at ease with yourself when you’re alone, you will seek a relationship to cover the unease. You can be sure that the unease will then reappear in some other form within the relationship, and you will probably hold your partner responsible for it. All you really need to do is accept this moment fully. You are then at ease in the here and now and at ease with yourself. “ - Sadhguru

Hold thy self before holding anyone else. Fill your own cup first and allow that same Love to flow over into every other area of your life.

The act of Loving ourselves is the most revolutionary thing we can do.

Choose Love.

The R/evolution is Love.


What would Love do?


Humans coming together is the rising sun after a storm.