The great unlearning.
Most of us were gifted our ideas of ‘how to love’ or ‘how to be’ from our parents and society around us. Of that majority, most of us picked up a whole lot of now deeply engrained patterns and beliefs that do not serve us today. If we are to become embodiments of the Love that the world so desperately needs, the first mountain we have to individually climb is that of recognising and consciously letting go of all thought patterns and embedded beliefs that do not serve us.
The one at the foreground of my heart and mind right now is that of equality and how the women of this world are treated. The patriarchy is a cunning and devious foe. The bullshit idea that “men are more important than women” is what has led society and the world into the shitstorm of a mess that we find ourselves in today. The change starts with us as individuals. The change starts with you & I.
This is a call to action for all reading this to become a watcher of your own mind & thoughts. To recognise patterns within yourself that aren’t resonant of your highest, most empathetic, most genuinely loving and compassionate self. To then, without self shaming, go about implementing your very own narrative changes in how you speak to yourself. Question your own narrative, ask yourself the heavy questions of “so why do I even think like that? Is this benefitting my life at all?” To navigate this life with EQUAL respect, empathy and compassion for ALL forms of life, we must all go through the difficult process of facing up to our shadow and consciously evolving past these often passed down patterns. Patterns of sexism, racism, homophobia, misogyny, all the ugly faces of toxic masculinity and any & all patterns of prejudice and bigotry. Ultimately, these patterns do not serve you or anyone. They are some hand me down mindset of your fathers father and the society they lived in. Fuck “that’s the way it’s always been”. Where do we put old irrelevant junk that doesn’t add anything good to our lives anymore? In the fucking bin.
We, the ones with Love in our hearts, CAN be the ones to change things. If we want to do that, we NEED to observe how we navigate this world, keep watch for any of these patterns within our own thinking and then consciously begin the process of letting them go. To rise above. To become a beacon and embodiment of the brighter world our hearts know is possible.
Every being of life deserves respect and Love. If you wittle this down, it simplifies to “Treat others how you would ideally wish to be treated.” We can do it! Shine the light of Love in everything you do.
For Dauwke
The R/evolution is Love // TRiL